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Sarah Words Collection is my web3 work. The guts of the collection is my writing, focusing on human fallibility, shame, getting out of my head and over my fear of many many silly things, while also having a laugh. 


Matching a word to a dollop of paint means that the reader has to really take in both the visual sensation of the paint and it's particular colour as well as really seeing the words and reading a bit more carefully. I believe there are two types of viewers of my work; one who's eyes will be drawn to the paint first, enjoying the colours, like sweets for their eyes. And others, who will read the words first. But once you're enjoying my work, I don't mind what ya do.


THis collection is currently being sold on Hug and Objkt

Click on any image below to take you to my HUG profile and follow Sarah Words on X 

I hope happy healthy heard_edited_edited
Three lines_edited.jpg
Big juicy brains_edited.jpg
Copy of You Do Woo._edited.jpg
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